Hi Anna, can you introduce yourself to our readers ? Hello to everyone, I am Annē, born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. Music had a prominent place in my life, from a very young age I imagined my life full of music.
Hi Anna, can you introduce yourself to our readers ? Hello to everyone, I am Annē, born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. Music had a prominent place in my life, from a very young age I imagined my life full of music.
Hi Gabriella, can you introduce yourself to our readers ? I guess I’m gonna start with I’m a music artist and a spiritual creature in a human body.
Hi Boris, thanks for answering our paradoxical questions! With over a quarter of century in the scene, what could you say have changed in electronics in this period of time? Since production technics have evolved a lot over the last 20+ years or so you can hear amazing new and innovative sounds in productions nowadays …
Hi Vince, thanks for answering our paradoxical questions! With over a quarter of century in the scene, what could you say have changed in electronics in this period of time? Thanks for having me. Almost everything lol, except the ethos behind the music I’m making as Amorphic. Its never gonna change. A lot of artists …
You are considered an influencer of the Korean techno scene internationally. What does it mean for you ? What values do you try to defend through your productions and your sets ? I have never thought that I am an influencer of the Korean Techno Scene, I was/am doing what I want and feel like …
Salut Angel, ravis de t’accueillir sur notre plateforme. On va commencer par aborder ton parcours en termes d’influences musicales. Quels styles ont croisé ton chemin depuis ton enfance et qu’est-ce qui t’as amené à la musique électronique ? J’ai commencé à trainer chez les disquaires les après-midis à partir du collège. J’allais jusqu’à sécher les …
Hi Cisco, thanks for answering our paradoxical questions! First can you tell us what the name “The Advent” refers to ? THE COMING, Always evolving in human development. What is the difference between your 2 projects G Flame and The Advent ? Did G Flame evolve in some kind of The Advent or are these …
Hi Jeffrey, we are glad to host you on Paradox. What have you been up to lately ? Thanks for having me on Paradox, great to have a little chat with you guys. Lately I am focusing on my label GEN X where we are developing a whole new branding, and I have been putting …
Salut Manu, merci de répondre à nos questions paradoxales ! Tu es l’un des artistes de musique électronique que nous respectons le plus. Avec plus d’un quart de siècle en scène, que peux-tu nous dire sur les changements dans le milieu de la musique électronique depuis tes débuts ? C’est difficile de revenir sur plus …
Salut Jen, ravis de t’accueillir sur notre plateforme. Peux-tu te présenter à nos lecteurs ? Hello Paradox et merci encore pour l’accueil <3 Je suis une grande passionnée de musique depuis mon plus jeune âge et je joue de la techno sous mon alias Vel. J’aime surtout produire de la musique, sans réfléchir aux styles, …