Paradox Music

INTERVIEW #093 – Beatrice

Alongside her remarkable contribution to the series, we sat down with Beatrice who shared her thoughts about her career, inspirations & aspirations!
  • Hi Beatrice, we are glad to host you on Paradox. Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello everyone, I´m soooo happy to be part of this, it’s pleasure to share a little bit of myself with you guys, I do really  thank you very much of having me and giving me the chance to express myself more deeply with you and with the readers, which I wanted to do since very long time tho hehe. 

Well, I don’t really know how to do it in a clear and concise way, but I’ll try it haha. My name is Beatriz, although as an artist I am known as Beatrice, 

I am originally from Spain, specifically from Madrid, where I have grown up and lived for 22 years, although at certain times I have had the pleasure of being able to live for several months in different places, such as Vienna. As of today, I have been living in Berlin for almost 4 years, which amazes me, because they have flown by for me. Professionally I dedicate myself to being a DJ and Producer, especially of techno, even though it is not the genre I listen to the most in terms of music.

  • You are originally from Spain, and now based in Berlin. We can usually hear the difference between techno coming from the South (Spain, Portugal, Italy…) and from the North (Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia…), do you think that the weather conditions or life conditions can contribute to this difference of style or the way to produce ?

Well, I believe that there is a difference between the style of music between countries, especially in Europe. In my house, having been born in Madrid and moving more to parties that are not so mainstream, because in the end you adapt or learn to listen to and value music in a more different way than the rest, above all I consider that in this case the techno of Spain is very unique, more immersive, it is a type of techno that basically seeks to connect with the public in a more personal way, and above all, I have noticed a very big difference compared to other countries I have been to, not only because of the style or the speed of the tracks, but it is a different way of appreciating music, I would say. 

I am very grateful to have grown up in the environment in which I have grown up, and it has taught me to appreciate music in a much more beautiful and personal way, analyzing and feeling each element of the track, you could say, yes hahaa.

  • Berlin is the home for a plethora of great artists in the Techno scene… it is hard not to get lost in this ocean of good music, so which Berlin-based artists would you recommend us? 

Yes, Berlin is definitely a city that never ceases to surprise you, not only in terms of music but also art in general. I think that the perception of creativity and expression is very, very broad, there are so many talented people that it is impossible to choose only one person. Personally, since I have been here my level of creativity has increased a lot, and that is thanks to being around people with talent and a lot of creativity. Musically, I could mention several artists who work very hard, and who I can assure that they will have the recognition they deserve, such as one of the most special people for me, Iciar (E2NMN), in addition to Salvador (Retter) who together two friends, Nikita and Alberto, the two musicians, have a band and do absolutely incredible and unique things. I could spend hours talking about people I know who inspire me (because there are many), but otherwise we would never finish the interview hahaha.

I would also like to mention artists not only dedicated to music but also to photography, video, graphic design, and especially painting.

But also cannot forget to mention all those who fight to move forward and fight for a safe space where we can enjoy good music, that in the end, they are the ones who give us the energy and motivation to continue.

  • You made your debut performance in Montenegro few weeks ago. What did you think about that experience and how do you feel the crowd is reacting to Techno in this kind of emerging scenes?  

    Wow, for me it was one of the most important and satisfying personal experiences of my life. Not only for having the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, but for me, it had another kind of meaning. I had to take a break before the gig and I was back in Madrid for a few weeks, taking some necessary time for myself, so it was a challenge. As soon as I arrived, the atmosphere was incredible, the effort and passion that the organizers put into each event was very noticeable, which makes me feel so lucky to live experiences like this, which I will undoubtedly never forget. The party was in a castle, next to a beach, with outrageous views, the weather was very good, people were enjoying themselves, the music and the sound system were wonderful, above all I would like to thank the entire team and Ana for giving me the opportunity to experience something like this, I feel more than fulfilled. Of course, I couldn’t leave without first taking a bath, so I didn’t think twice, (I collided with a rock, but nothing stopped me from my destiny hahaha), in short, it was an experience that I will never forget.

  • Do you have any mentor or someone to thank for what you achieved until now? Or did you start finding your own role in this art by yourself? 

I have been extremely lucky to have been surrounded by people who have been in the industry longer than me, who have always been there for me, in the good times, but even more so in the bad. Above all, they have taught me the meaning of music, how beautiful it is to connect with each other through waves, no matter who you are, simply valuing passion and effort. I will always be grateful to Charlie, Lauren, Sergio, Manu, Anso, Jose, Jor and above all to everyone who has never lost faith in me.

Of course, I have to mention the professionals that surround me, whether they are bookers, agents, or parts of a collective or club, because basically without their support, I could not be the person I am today, thank you all, I hope you know who you are 🙂

  • You have already played in the biggest venues around such as Berghain, Tresor and huge festivals… Do you still feel the pressure before performing a gig? Is it something positive and/or exciting? 

Ugh, the truth is that although it may not seem like it, I have been learning to control my nerves in tense situations. 

Yes, there are always some cases in which you are more nervous than others, but I usually handle it well.

The most curious thing is that for me, how the time develops before the moment in which I have to play, determines my mental status a lot, that’s why I always like to be in places or with people that give me peace of mind. Although many times it is not like that, you learn little by little. 

I always feel very excited before playing, so it’s always an easy thing for me to focus on the music, I guess haha.

  • You’ve already performed in Lille, Strasbourg, Paris and Lyon, how did you feel the vibe in France? Do you follow the evolution of the French scene? 

The truth is that France is one of the destinations where I learn the most, not only professionally but also personally. Coming from Spain, and living in Berlin where there is a closer connection in terms of musical style, it is not a problem or anguish for me when I have to go. Rather, the opposite. I consider that it is also a way to get to know different cultures in the party atmosphere, and more or less, without losing your essence, adapt and also, in my case, by playing a style of music that is not usually very abundant, you can awaken another type of musical concerns or interests in listeners. I think it’s a pretty nice situation, especially because I think it never hurts to do something different.

The times I have been in France, I have always felt very supported and valued by everyone, and that is the most important thing for me, it makes me very happy to see that we are all trying to advance in the scene, and we are not afraid of risk.

  • As a DJ, you must come across loads of promos. What do you think about the current production in the techno circuits? Is there enough sense of creativity or innovation according to you?

Well, I probably have a point of view that is a little further removed than a producer who puts all his time into producing. For me, it is not about quantity, but about quality, and above all, about effort, about study, about taking a moment, and considering, what it is really what you want to create. I believe that today, with the advances that exist, the essence of feeling, listening carefully, and truly appreciating music, whether electronic or not, is being lost a little.

As a music lover, be it Classical, Rap, Hip/hop, R&B, Ambient, Rock, Pop, Break-Beat, Electro, Punk, etc… I need more time to really be able to create something that completely identifies me, a result that always makes me proud. , and that he has not had to dedicate enough to it to make it so. 

I consider that today, we are riddled with information, so much that we do not fully pay attention to the elements, the history, the structure, the meaning, that is behind each song. It’s sad, but not everyone is like that, and those who do take into account everything behind a production are really the ones who value and appreciate all the work behind it.

I also have to mention that I am very fascinated by seeing people close to me with so much talent, making totally different, elegant and creative music, because that is what, in the end, inspires us among us.

  • What would be your advice to a young artist that is emerging on this scene ? Be focused on what is being released and go with the flow or always keep in mind what was done before ?

My biggest advice is to never leave behind what you really like, or what inspires you, just to follow the trends, because in the end, they are trends. What makes you unique is not what you hear now, because it is what there is now, but all the knowledge you have been obtaining over the past years. It is always good to know what is happening currently, and to know what type of sound is being heard, but that does not mean that you have to forget what you like, or what really makes you be an artist, since in the end, what sounds today, will not sound tomorrow.

But, it is very important to know the current situation, and the current sound, since in the end, you cannot close any doors either, I think there must be a balance and knowledge of both the past and the present.

  • How did you record the podcast for Paradox ? Can you pick a record from the mix and tell us why you like it or how you found it ?

To be completely honest, I don’t usually get very hysterical when preparing a podcast, I usually organize (poorly) the tracks that I consider can be adapted to the idea of the project, and once in the studio, I just let myself go hahahaha, Although it doesn’t always turn out well, I think it’s the best way to enjoy it.

I still don’t have very clear what style I want to follow for you, because I would like to do something more personal, but I could give you a clue, and I think I will choose one of my favorite albums, ¨Compro¨ from one of my biggest inspirations today. today, Skee Mask 🙂

This album in particular has a very beautiful story behind it, since it is one of the albums that I listened to years ago, at the time when I began to be very interested in this type of music, and it has always accompanied me, I have never been able to get tired of listening to it , and it gives me a lot of peace, so I hope you like it as much as I do 🙂

  • The world of electronic music is based on debates nowadays, is it better on vinyl or mp3 in terms of mixing, can a dj be only someone that creates a set based on other’s productions or does he have to produce too… Does this mean that electronic music has become something to gossip about? Do we care too much about what’s around and not only about the music?

UUUUUH, spicy question haha, well I consider that they are totally different formats. You can play your own music of course, you can play your friend´s last Britney Spears Electro Version Track if you want, you can play whatever you want, there are no rules about what you have to play. 

The thing is that when we are talking about a file, in this case a song, on mp3, wav or whatever, there is a possibility that it can be deleted, or missed, or who knows where…

And, nowadays, it is so easy to recover it at the same time,just minutes after, and then everything is good, but in terms of a record, things change.

but there is definitely no rule that requires you to play a certain type of music (at least that I know of).

Not only because of the In the end, for me, it is a wonderful thing to see the procedure and operation of a record, and how in this way it is able to reproduce sounds, it seems spectacular to me. In my case, vinyl records are part of my life, that is, they have a very different importance and meaning than an mp3 file can have. But we find quite a few pros and cons, while on a USB you can store a huge amount of information, and if it fails, you can always resort to another USB, it is much easier technically speaking. That does not take away the effort and time of those who travel with suitcases of records every time they have to play, which in my opinion is admirable, more than anything because I would surely lose it, hahahaha. But even so, I think that listening to a vinyl set is an experience that you cannot live in the same way if you are listening to a digital set.

There will always be people who are more in favor of playing vinyl, and there will always be people who prefer to play digital, in my opinion, vinyl is like a part of you, so, for now, I prefer to leave them at home hahahahahaha, although From time to time I have brought some because I wanted them to sound specifically on vinyl, but I don’t think you have to choose either side, they are different ways of playing, but the feeling of touching, feeling, and playing a record gives you, a digital file could never.

But when it comes to a record, if it is lost, broken, or whatever, it does not affect you in the same way that an mp3 file can affect you, mostly because it has another type of meaning, at least for me. And the solution is not so easy in that case, you can buy another one just like it, but it will not satisfy you in the same way. 

It is a more personal way of expressing emotions through music. 

I have always had a lot of respect for DJs who play with vinyl, because they are already letting me know that they are going to tell me a story, since they have been explicitly selected for that moment, which I think is very pure. 

Even so, everyone has their own way of expressing themselves, and any of them is valid, without underestimating any of the others.

  • What artists/labels are holding your attention this year?

It’s hard for me to just choose one, and more focused on techno music, but the fact that I didn’t have much of a relationship with his music and it never ceases to surprise me, I would say: 

Albert Van Abbe, Singular Anomalies, Lidvall, Artefakt, ORBE, Floating Points and Primal Code,  between many others. 

I especially mention them because it has been during this year that I have been able to deeply appreciate their productions.

Newcomers or artists that I was not much in contact with, I would mention, De Luka,  Gigi FM, Refracted, CONCEPTUAL, Laia, they have definitely captivated me without a doubt.

As for labels, I have always had my favorites, such as Non Series, Pole Group, Semantica, but I would like to mention those that I consider are going strong this last year: No Signal, it is certainly one of my tops, Ilegal Alien, Fauct Section, Ilian Tape, Field Records, Analog Solutions, Token, etc.

  • Can you give us a glimpse about your future projects?

What makes me happiest today are the projects that I have in mind, and those that are about to come to life, in mid-September, together with a very good friend of mine, Charlie (Matrixxman), an EP that was very very easy to do, since we both always know how to communicate with each other, and the truth is that it is a real bomb, I am very excited to be able to share it with you very soon. Besides, I have more personal projects, like being able to have a radio show soon (I hope so). Basically I would love to invite people close to me, but not only those who are dedicated to the music industry, and engage in a somewhat deeper conversation on more human topics, such as fears, insecurities, pain, but also happiness, goals. personal, and above all more focused on sharing through music, how those feelings come to light, and the reason why. The truth is that I could be satisfied if I can achieve it haha. Also one of my big proposals is to dedicate myself in the future to making soundtracks for films, and among other things, to start a punk group (someday…)

We’ll see what the future holds for me.

Thanks a lot Beatriz, we hope to see you very soon somewhere, keep the good vibe on!

Love and respect
